
Friday, March 16, 2012

Eyes that POP! - Ask the Expert: Jamie

Have you ever been getting ready to go out for a night on the town, and you do your hair and makeup but you still feel like your makeup just doesn't have that “oomph” that you were looking for?  Well here's a little trick that will help bump up your look. 

Below are instructions for a version of the "Twiggie" look. 

Essentially what you will do is paint on lashes at the outer corner of your eyes.  You can do your makeup as you normally would.  Then with a black liquid eyeliner (this doesn't work well with pencil), start painting your line at the base of the lash  line almost to the very outer corner, but not quite all the way, paint it curving upward toward your temple diagonally, mocking an eyelash.  This will be your longest line. 

Following that first line paint two to three more lines in the same manner, but stagger them moving toward the center of the lash line.  Stay close to each previous line, and make each one shorter than the last.  Then you will move to the bottom lash line and repeat the steps, but have the lines curving downward and make these even shorter than the top.

If you are worried that you may not have the steadiest hand for this application, then try this with a smokey eye.  The "lashes" will blend in and have more of a subtle look.

Here's to eyes that POP!!

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